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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday, Nov. 14th: Bad to Worse!!!

You know, if it's not bad enough that I lost my job, I just found out that my former employer will NOT write a reference letter for me.  Apparently the corp. lawyer, said that all personnel issues must go through HR, therefore, they aren't allowed to write letters of reference.  Oh great, as if it's not hard enough to get a job these days, not I have to tell prospective employers that my coworkers and supervisors won't vouch for my work ethic.  Great!  That'll go over like a lead balloon.  There is so much competition out there that you need whatever advantage you can get.  Now, the company that laid me off is putting me at a serious disadvantage.  What? Do they want me stay unemployed forever?  Apparently so.  If unemployment (or job searching) paid better, maybe I would.  I mean, it is there unemployment insurance rates that will suffer, not mine. What a pain in the "you know what!"

Well, I keep getting email messages from The Amazing Kreskin.  Maybe he can use him mind power to influence my former employer and I'll get the reference letter after all.  Or, better yet, maybe he can use his mind in influence the lottery number and I'll become a millionaire.  Yeah, I like option #2 better.  I'm going for that one, just as soon as I calm down.

Well, just discovered that not allowing employees to write reference letters, or even give verbal reference, is not uncommon today.  Too bad for me and other employees trying to find work.  How is a future employer supposed to know your work ethic?  Oh, of course, I'm supposed to tell him/her and I'm sure they'll believe me because I'm such an honest person.  I mean, when applying for a new job, who would ever admit to being a bad employee?  Everyone is always honest and 100% above board with prospective employers, and themselves for that matter.

Oh brother -- things have certainly changed in the past five (5) years since I found my last job.  I'm beginning to realize I'm more of a dinosaur than I thought.  45 and so out of touch.  Jeeze, my daughter way right, I AM OLD!!!  Help me -- I am my mother -- old, out dated, and out of touch.  Oh no, what should I do????

1 comment:

  1. You are not old, you're a vintage antique that to the right person, you're worth a lot of money.
