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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Nov. 16: I've saved you an hour

Today I decided to follow one of those email leads to work at home and make extra money.  I knew it was going to be a scam, but I thought I'd save you the trouble of having to check it for yourself.

Today's scam was Project Payday.  I got an email link, which I followed.  You either could pay $40 for the training kit, or take one of their partner's offers and get the training kit for free.  I took an offer to get a $50 restaurant gift card for $20 and then get the training kit for free.  Let's hope I can actually use the restaurant gift card and that it is bogus.  I'll let you know once I try to use it.

Basically, you are linked to your "mentors" account.  The mentor directs you to other partner's links.  You need to collect 100 points at a time by participating in the appropriate offers until you get to 100 points.  Each offer is worth a different point level.  Some of the offers are "free" offers, like applying for and being accepted for a credit card, getting a free online credit report (which refuse to do because you have to give up your SSN online -- and to me, that spells trouble), etc.  There are other offers like joining book or video clubs, shopping and purchasing (minimum purchase required) from partners, online trial memberships, etc.

Once you have accumulated your 100 points, you get $50.00.  Now, to be honest, some of the offers are for trail memberships, which you can cancel anytime before the trail is over and not be charged.  However, it is considered fraud if you sign up for the trail and cancel right away, as you must "try" the service.  Here again, I'm not thrilled with putting my credit card number all over the Internet with all these "partner" companies.  Maybe if I get a new credit card for this purpose only - with a very low limit, I'd be more inclined to participate. 

This can be done over and over, all day long, so that you can accumulate a lot of payments from your mentor.  That being said, I don't have a job, therefore, I certainly don't want to ask for any new credit cards, I'm certainly not getting a credit report online and exposing my personal information to all the Internet thieves, and I'm out of work, so why would I commit to minimum purchases anywhere from $25 - $100 with partners? Just to make $50??

HELLO!  I don't have income, that is why I'm looking to make extra money.  I would ask Project Payday if I look like a fool, or if I look like I was born yesterday, however that is the magic of the Internet, they can't see me (nor can I see them).

So, I guess I'm not getting rich by clicking on online offers.  This could be legit, however, I'm much to skeptical to expose myself to this type of fraud waiting to happen. 

Lesson for today: Project Payday -- Project No Way!

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