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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I'm sick of job hunting ....

I know, I know.  It's only been 3 weeks. but jeeze, I'm so tired of looking for a job, only to either find no decent opportunities -- or to find a great opportunity, submit my application and wait, and wait, and wait, and never get a response.

Let's rethink this.  I have actually gotten several responses.  The Internet phishing schemes are getting pretty sophisticated these days.  I have responded to several Executive Assistant and Administrative Assistant type positions over the past 3 weeks.  I have received at least 5 email responses to my applications.  Each states that I seem to be more than qualified for the position.  However, before an interview can be arranged, the organization must have my credit score. I can simply "click here" and I can get instant access to my credit score and thus an interview. Hmmmm, no problem, I'll give you all my personal information before you even meet me.  Naaa, I don't see anything wrong with that, do you?

I guess these schemers think I'm stupid.  Of course I'm not going to "click here" and turn over all my personal information to you.  YES, I do want a job, but no so bad that I've completely lost my mind.

The ads seem so real; they listed realistic qualifications.  I guess I may not be totally stupid, but I'm dumb enough to fall for the phony ads.  So, BEWARE ... if a company responds to your application via email (instead of a direct phone call) it is probably a phishing expedition.  Don't fall for it.  Have steak that night instead.

Between the "work at home" scams, and the phony job responses, I can't even sort through my email in box.  I wish I had set up a separate email box for my job search so all the junk would go into one place where I could successfully ignore it until I have the patience to sort through it all.

I hate having to weed through all the garbage to get to the email from my friend/s and family.  Of course, when I finally do get to those real messages, they are usually "forwards."  As if I don't have enough to worry about, now I have to forward the urgent email to 10 people within 10 minutes or my life will be ruined.  Sure, everything were so great now, what with being unemployed and all, that I can't let an email could ruin it.  Oh no, maybe if I fail to forward the message I will lose my job!  Oh wait, my company already took care of that for me.

Actually, I shouldn't complain about being unemployed.  Last week I baked cookies and muffins (like a real Martha Stewart)!  Today, I took some of the Christmas Club money and started shopping.  Problem, is, when I don't have money, I always find all stuff I want for me.  Today was no exception.  Why do the stores wait until I'm broke to put all the good stuff on sale.  And how do they know when I'm broke?  Are the tapped into my bank account??  Hey, BofA, dont' let the department stores see my account balance!  A little privacy, please????

And now to JC Penney & Macy's: if and when my bank balance increases, please put more stuff on sales, okay?  You keep the good stuff (in my size) on sale and I'll spend some $$$.  Deal?

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