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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Nov. 11: OMG

I sit here staring at the computer screen.  I've been staring so long that the letters and images begin to run together and swirl before my eyes.  I think I'm slipping into unemployment madness (or at least despair).  I try to walk away from the computer and lay down for a few minutes ... but it beacons me back.  "Come back," I hear it calling to me, "Come back.  What if a potential employer is posting a new job right now?  What if she/he has sent you an email and is anxiously waiting for a response?"  I try to ignore the voice, but it keeps calling me, "Get your lazy self out of bed and get in here and get back to the work at hand!  Finding a job!"

So, I listen to the voice.  I don't know why; I just obey ... just in case.  But alas, no potential employer is seeking me at this very moment.  Well that's not quite true.  I received breaking news in my email box ... see for yourself.
Breaking News: Single Mom Makes-$1457 in a week!!
I better get off the blog and look into this, I might be missing the perfect opportunity to ditch the corporate life and work from home .....

Here's another one I just received today ... Nigerian counsel wants me to help her get money into the US.  She will pay me handsomely to assist.  Jeeze, another great opportunity.  Better go check it out B4 someone else takes my place and I lose the millions she is willing to pay me.

And lets not forget about AFLAC ... on Monday, I must have gotten a dozen emails from various local AFLAC offices stating they found my resume on Careerbuilder and that I was perfectly suited to their business needs.  Now, in my prior function, I was tasked with screening telephone calls to be sure that  pesky sales people didn't get through to the execs.  AFLAC was one of those calls that we always made sure NEVER got through.  I don't honestly know how it works, but sometimes, we would get 3 or 4 calls a day from various individuals with AFALC.  There must be dozens of local sales people all sharing the same list of leads. I often found myself stating, "I'm so glad I don't have to make cold calls like that for a living."  Now look at me ... no job, AFLAC inundating my email box to get me to become a sales person.

Please, oh please, Lord, don't let it come to that.  I'd be humiliated to have to eat my words with such a large spoon.  Take pity on me...


1 comment:

  1. OMG! I love this! I have the perfect job for you! I agree that job searching is a full time job in itself... and seeing as I need a job after school and I have NOOOO time to look for one... and you seem to know all about it.. you can look for me too! haha jk... job hunting is something I would not wish on anyone... well maybe one person I know.. not that they would ever have to find a job... thats besides the point... but I admire you for not just sitting idol and taking unemployment lightly.. OHHH and AFLAC sends me/ the other students at UMD TONS of spam... one person I actually know worked for them for a whole summer... for absolutely nothing.. and hated it... so yea... just some insight!
