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Friday, December 10, 2010

Fri., Dec. 10: Waiting is the hardest part ...

I had an interview yesterday morning.  The job is perfect for me ... mostly administrative work with some marketing communications and desktop publishing thrown in for fun!  Perfect.  Except we are worlds apart on the salary ... exactly $10 per hour apart.  I don't know why companies think they can get years of experience and expertise for peanuts?  I just don't get it.  You want to pay little money, then you get little experience and skill.  You want extensive experience and skills, you have to pony up the money.

They old saying, "nothing in life comes free," applies to employees as well.  "HELLO" people.  If you want skills and experience, you have to pay for it!!!! Wake up and smell the coffee ... it's the high test stuff, too.  Not the wimpy decaf ... let's get real here.

I have another interview scheduled for Monday afternoon.  I hope it goes well and I hope we are on the same page as far as money is concerned.  I was always taught that as a candidate, you don't bring up the monetary issue; you let the company's hiring manager bring that up.  Well, I'm not so sure that is the right decision.  I'm running myself all over town only to find out that I am miles apart on the salary issue.  Wouldn't it be better for all concerned if we discussed that subject first so neither party wastes it's time?

And actually, speaking of Monday's interview ... I need to be upfront an honest, this company responded to my application by email.  It was later in the evening when, I guess, the recruiter was reviewing resumes and he sent me an email asking when I would be available to interview.  No credit check required, no click on the following link.  Just a message from a real person.  Wow!  I can hardly believe it myself.  In many prior posts, I warned you that if you receive an email in response to your application, it's probably a scam.  Well, this time, I was wrong; and I'm glad to be wrong in this case.  Now I have another interview.

But, please be wary of email responses to your application.  I received at least 20 scam responses and only one legit.  So, the odds aren't in your favor.

Anyway, have a great weekend and remember ... better me than you!

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