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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Nov. 13: It's Saturday and Take a Wild Guess at What I've Been Doing?

Yup, searching the net. Got a great offer in my "spam" box this morning from a company who saw my resume on Careerbuilder. $85,000 - $95,000 a year, no sales, no cold calls, etc.  Funny thing though, they didn't name the company, nor did leave a way to contact them.  So, even if I was interested, I had no way to respond and tell them to sign me up.  Too bad, I sure could use $85K right about now.  As for legit messages from employers ... zip, none, nada.  I wish I had set up a new email box for the job search.  Its been 5 years since I was looking and I didn't realize how much junk a resume on the net would produce.  Well ... if I ever find a job (and subsequently decide to leave it, which is highly unlikely after this experience), I know better.

Well, I actually found an opening I was interested in applying for.  It was legit, a real company with a real location.  "Go for it!" I told myself.  I had no idea what I was getting myself into.  It took over an hour to fill out all the "pages" of information they required.  It was incredible.  My sister was here working on the other computer and she couldn't believe how long it took me to get through this application process.  We decided it was designed to weed out the "casual" lookers and that only "serious" candidates would take that much time to complete the process.  My fingertips are numb from all the typing and clicking necessary to complete the application process.  And, to top it off ... as I told my sister, I probably won't even receive an acknowledgement of my application, let alone an interview or job offer.

Too bad I can't get paid by the hour to search for work.  It's a beautiful Saturday afternoon and I've been stuck on the computer since 7:30 this morning.  I'm going to start to prune up soon if I don't get away from this desk.  I'm just so afraid if I walk away from the computer, I'll miss the opportunity of a lifetime.  At this point, sleep is the opportunity of a lifetime.

I'm getting obsessed with this blogging stuff.  I keep checking my "stats" to see if I'm getting more viewers.  Naaaa, not really.  What do I have to do get get more readers??  Probably the same thing I have to do to get a job.  Pray for a miracle.

I've now spent 9 hours looking for a job on the Internet and all I have to show for it are some tired fingers and crossed eyes.  I didn't even get the laundry done today.  Oh well Scarlet, "tomorrow is another day."

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