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Saturday, January 29, 2011

No Sick Days When You're Unemployed

Yup, you guessed it. I'm sick. I have bronchitis and I feel miserable ... Coughing my fool head off, headache, and chills and sweats. BUT, there is no break from the unending job search cause you are sick. I've still got to check the job posting websites, submit my resume, and wait for the disappointment.

There are no sick days when you're looking for a job. If I'm not diligent about my search, then Unemployment doesn't have to pay me. Not that they are paying me anything now that I'm temping. But, I still have to file to keep my claim active, which means I still have to apply for jobs.

What a pain. I'd just like to sit home and veg for a change.

I had two telephone interviews this past week. Both positions were for Executive Assastant to senior level executives. Both jobs were over 30 minutes from my home and both commutes would be terrible...with traffic and stop and go on most days. The real problem, though, was the salary. They were paying what I was making 10 years ago.

Now, I'm a realist. I know that I may have to take a cut in pay from my previous salary. However, that big of a cut (over $10K) is bad enough alone. Then, when you add in the awful commute, it suddenly become not at all with it.

Not only am I physically sick today, but I am also emotionally sick and tired of looking for a job!!

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